Trial Is Not a Crisis but an Opportunity for Success – Episode 7: A Trial Is Like a Movie, Part 6

Enjoy watching partner Jason Wilson’s seventh video in the “Trial Is Not a Crisis but an Opportunity for Success” Series.

In Jason’s most recent, four-minute video titled “A Trial Is Like a Movie, Part 6 – The Role of Your Witness,” he discusses the analogy between great trials and movies, as well as the role of trial witnesses.

Jason focuses on the ideas of Sidney Lumet, one of the greatest American film directors of the late twentieth century. He draws three valuable lessons from Lumet’s teachings and approach. Litigators can apply these lessons to successfully prepare and direct their trial witnesses.

To watch Jason’s video and learn more about this topic, click here.

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Daily Journal Column: A Circuit Split in Copyright Law – Will the Supreme Court Resolve It?

March 15, 2023