ACC Chicago Summit: In-House Counsel’s Consumer Class Action Defense Checklist-Positioning Your Case for a Better Outcome

- August 30, 2022
- 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
- Union League Club of Chicago, Chicago IL
- Eileen Ahern
- Jason Wilson
Partners Eileen Ahern and Jason Wilson will present an in-person CLE titled “In-House Counsel’s Consumer Class Action Defense Checklist: Positioning Your Case for a Better Outcome,” during the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Chicago Summit, which will be held on August 30, 2022 at the Union League Club of Chicago.
Eileen and Jason are joined on the panel by Anne Reader, Director, Assistant General Counsel – Litigation, Enforcement & Strategy of Transunion.
This CLE presentation offers ways for in-house counsel to minimize both exposure and disruption to a client’s business when faced with their next class action. Attendees will receive a tangible checklist, along with practical tips regarding strategies to consider and common pitfalls to avoid.
Willenken is a proud sponsor of ACC chapters nationwide. If you are interested in learning more about the topic of this presentation, please contact Eileen.
For more information on this event, click here.