Partner Amelia Sargent Presents ALI CLE Webcast on Legal Ethics in Litigation

24 May
  • May 24, 2023
  • 9:00 am - 10:00 am

On May 24, 2023, Willenken partner Amelia Sargent will present an American Law Institute (ALI) CLE webcast, titled “Legal Ethics in Litigation.”

Throughout the life cycle of a case, lawyers are bound by ethical obligations, including duties of fairness, candor, competence, and communication, among others. In this one-hour webcast, Amelia will provide an overview of the attorney’s ethical obligations through the life of a matter – from determining whether or not to file a suit, through trial and appeal or settlement, and many steps along the way.

Amelia will also discuss the Model Rules of Professional Conduct and how they guide attorneys through scenarios that may arise, including:

  • How your ethical duties change depending on what lawyer “hat” you’re wearing.
  • The interplay between “zeal” and civility in litigation.
  • How technological competence no longer just pertains to e-discovery, but now likely includes more developed forms of AI.
  • What you can and cannot say or do in the world of social media and blogging.
  • When attorney-client privilege, confidentiality, and work product attach, and how those protections can be lost.

To learn more and to register for this webcast, click here.

To watch a 3-minute video on the program, click here.

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10 September
2023 National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) Annual Meeting

Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor, Baltimore,