ACC Colorado Chapter: Primer for Successful Litigation Management

- May 16, 2019
- 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
- ELWAY'S Downtown, Denver CO
- Jason Wilson
- Paul Loh
Partner Jason Wilson is moderating a CLE panel for the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Colorado Chapter.
“Primer for Successful Litigation Management: 10 Ways Experienced Trial Counsel Can Help Your Company Obtain an Optimal and Efficient Settlement Without Going to Trial,” explains how the best way to settle a case favorably is not by preparing to settle, but by preparing to go to trial.
The Lunch & Learn CLE presentation is sponsored by the National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF) Trials Practice Area Committee (“Trials PAC”), of which Jason serves as co-chair.
The experienced trial counsel on the panel are NAMWOLF Trials PAC members Cheryl Diaz of Culhane Meadows PLLC and Jennifer Keller of Keller/Anderle LLP, and ACC Colorado Chapter members Sam Shapiro of Vail Resorts and Maureen “Mo” Watson of CQG, Inc.
Partner Paul Loh developed the original content for this presentation and is also attending the event. Apart from this presentation sponsored by the NAMWOLF Trials PAC, Willenken is a proud sponsor of ACC chapters nationwide. If you are interested in learning more about the topic of this presentation, please contact Jason.